— Birth and Postpartum
Doula Services
Birth Doula
Samantha is a certified birth doula with over 9 years of experience. Below you will find my birth contract
Samantha Baker Birth Doula Services
As a Birth Doula, my role is to accompany women in labor to help have satisfying birth experience. Unique qualities I bring to my doula services include my Creighton FertilityCare training (current practitioner) and past licensed massage therapist specializing in everything pregnancy.
This includes:
- drawing upon my knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort
- finding the information you request to make informed decisions as they arise in/before labor (to the best of my ability, I always encourage you to do your own research).
- I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort.
- I will support you to my fullest in facilitating the kind of birth you have envisioned for yourself and your family. This starts with a detailed birth plan A and B.
- I am independently self-employed. As your doula, I am working for you, not your caregiver or hospital/birth center.
- Perform clinical tasks such as; blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc. Doulas do not make medical diagnosis.
- Speak to the staff instead of you regarding matters where decisions are being made. We will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical staff.
Birth Package
- These visits are usually 1 hour, the in person visit is typically longer.
- We will have 3-4 meetings (depending on what mom needs and the hire date) to go over the birth plan, strategies, finding information, and questions about the process. I will also give referrals to you based on what your needs may seem (chiropractor, massage, Napro progesterone support, etc.) One of these meetings will be in person so I can scope out your town and find your house before labor, the others can be over the phone or video chat.
- I am not obligated to answer the phone after 7 pm or before 8 am before the on-call weeks-you are still welcome to message though and I will answer if I am able.
- On-call, I will go on-call 24/7 starting at 38 weeks until the baby is born. If we know baby is coming sooner for whatever reason then we will bump up the on-call to the appropriate time frame.
Labor and birth
- You will need to contact me as soon as you know you are in labor so I have time to clear my day and contact child care services for my own children. From there we can discuss when you’d like me to arrive. Time is a huge factor as I cover a roughly 2 hour radius. Keep this in mind compared to where we are located from each other. More than likely even if you are not ready for me if you are far I will still head out and hang around your town so I am close for when you do want me. Labor is relatively unpredictable so even though we have our average stats and maybe this isn’t your first-things can and will be different.
- I will arrive as close as I can to when you would like me to be there. I will meet you where you would like.
- Early labor we will go over the birth plan.
- I will suggest positions, stretches, massage as needed. If you DONT want suggestions at the time that is fine I will hold space for you. If there are stalls I will ask if you’d like to try anything (check in with you) from there you can decide how much intervention you want from me.
- I am here to support dad as well-encouraging him and helping him “find his place”. I do not replace dad ever and will always help you both continue to be working unit as much as you desire.
- Oh no, things are going off the plan!!! Its ok sometimes things arise that we just cannot control. This is why we have a plan A and B and discuss different possibilities. I am there with you to the end. I am an advocate and can discuss information with you and you both make the choice and YOU tell the provider your choice(s). You have the right to consent or not consent to any procedure. Oftentimes doctors, nurses, and even midwives can be pushy on some things, but if you feel safe and don’t think the intervention/procedure is necessary, you can say NO-even without explanation.
- In the event of an “emergency” birth at home without a provider (midwife didn’t make it or we can’t make it to the hospital) I cannot deliver your baby. I will provide a safe place for you as I call 911. You or a different person there with you can assist the delivery.
- After birth I will stay around for 2 hours (longer if it is a homebirth as often times I assist the midwife if needed and can help clean up)
- I can help assist with breastfeeding
- I can do uterine massage (although the nurses and other providers typically do this.
- This is when all first baby procedures occur-these are all in your birth plan as you may decide to decline some, all, or even none of them.
- These visits are usually 1.5-2 hours
- I provide 3 post visits, in person. We can decide on timing depending on how the birth was.
- In these visits I see how you all are doing, if there are any questions, do you need any referrals.
- I do abdominal massage to assist the organs, along with pelvic binding.
- I can also do a few simple chores around the house if you need
Pricing and Special Circumstances
- Everything above is $1500 plus $0.50 a mile round trip to you for 4 trips (this is calculated upon hiring me). I require a non-refundable fee of 50%, $750-this holds your spot. The remaining $750 plus mileage must be paid off before or on 38 weeks or I am not obligated to go on-call or attend the birth. One month after the due date there will be a $50 late fee applied and it goes to collections.
- I do not submit to insurance
- I am committed to your family and being there, however we cannot tell the future. In the case of acts of nature such as; weather, pandemic, declared states of emergency, war, and other unforeseen circumstances it may not always be possible for me to meet the requirements of this contract. To make this right I will add 4 postpartum visits. The original fee still stands.
- If for some reason, you choose not to use our services after signing this contract, you will forfeit the retainer fee. We reserve time in our schedule for your birth and turn away other prospective clients once hired. Meaning you will receive back what you paid AFTER the initial $750.
- If I am not at the birth due to my own circumstances (illness, injury, family emergency or at another birth, etc.) I will provide 25% of the original fee back, $375, or you can choose 4 extra post visits. I will make every effort to be available to you and take the commitment to provide support very seriously.
- If I am not at the birth because you did not call for any reason (including your choosing to not call early enough to allow ample time to get to you), the balance is still due. Additional postpartum support may be available in this circumstance.
Experience the benefits of professional doula services.
✓ Personalized support
✓ Expert guidance for a